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August 2024 - MALSP Meeting - Navigating Complex Matters: Strategies for Managing Massive Data, from Investigations to Second Requests

  • August 15, 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • 150 S 5th St. 3rd Floor Minneapolis, MN 55402


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  • Guest registration requires guest fee paid via Credit Card, PayPal, or check on day of event.

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August 2024 - MALSP Meeting - Navigating Complex Matters: Strategies for Managing Massive Data, from Investigations to Second Requests


In this panel, industry experts will provide an in-depth examination of critical challenges associated with handling large-scale and intricate cases. They will delve into the specific hurdles that arise in these complex matters, offering insights into effective approaches and solutions. The discussion will cover best practices for managing and mitigating these challenges, including techniques for optimizing workflows and leveraging analytics. From navigating diverse data sources to meeting tight deadlines, this panel will equip legal professionals with practical strategies for streamlining processes, improving efficiency, and enhancing their approach to handling demanding cases.


Brandon Rimnac, Director Consulting Services at TransPerfect Legal 

Mr. Rimnac has over 16 years’ experience in the Legal Technologies industry and has consulted law firms, corporations, and government agencies through extraordinarily complex cases. He has traveled internationally and appeared at industry tradeshows as a subject matter expert, and he regularly provides guidance for case teams on topics including forensic collection workflows, defensible artificial intelligence use, and production best practices.

Brandon has been a contributing member to award-winning Product Development teams and has worked to implement advanced analytics, predictive coding, and quality of life improvements for his clients. He has also created documentation, marketing and training videos, and websites for many of today’s leading eDiscovery applications.

Born in Minnesota, when he isn’t working with his clients, Brandon enjoys traveling to warmer climates with his wife, daughter (8), and son (4).


Brittany Field, Senior Director, APG & Consulting Services at TransPerfect Legal 

Brittany Field joined TransPerfect in 2011 and is currently a Senior Director of Consulting in TransPerfect Legal’s Antitrust Practice Group. Brittany has first-hand experience in all stages of eDiscovery, including processing, analytics, review, and production. Brittany has a Master’s Degree in Data Analytics and advises clients on a number of topics ranging from search term analysis to mobile message review, TAR and AI workflows. She currently focuses on consulting clients on how to best utilize AI and analytics for large and complex matters, such as Second Requests.

John Zumwalde, Senior Project Manager at TransPerfect Legal 

John Zumwalde joined Transperfect in 2024 and is a Senior Project Manager in Transperfect Legal’s Antitrust Practice Group. John is an attorney and project manager with over 15 years of experience managing eDiscovery projects for corporate and law firm clients. John has experience in all phases of the discovery lifecycle including litigation hold, collection, processing, review and production. At Transperfect, John focuses on managing large projects such as HSR matters and CIDs.

Mark Burns, Associate Director Legal Technical Operations, Boston Scientific

 Mark Burns serves as an Associate Director of Legal Technical Operations at Boston Scientific Corporation, where he oversees the Legal Technical Operations Team. This includes the eDiscovery team which handles the discovery process, including identification, preservation, collection, processing, and review of data pertinent to product liability, intellectual property, employment disputes, government inquiries, and other legal matters. In addition, Mr. Burns also oversees the Legal IT and Intelligent Automation group, tasked with introducing, maintaining, and supporting innovative technology, as well as spearheading legal automation and artificial intelligence initiatives. He additionally manages the relations with IT and eDiscovery vendors.

Kyle Neitzel, Assistant Manager, eDiscovery Services, Ballard Spahr LLP

Kyle Neitzel is a seasoned eDiscovery professional with over 20 years of experience in managing and optimizing complex electronic discovery processes. He supports attorneys and clients through all phases of the EDRM and across a variety of practice areas.

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